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Category: Council Update ZH

Serving without pay

"Take it as my national service," Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting said he had earlier, on his own initiative, informed the prime minister of his intention to perform his role as Malaysia's special envoy to China without pay.


广西国有企业投资合作交流团此行一抵达吉隆坡,即前来拜访丹斯里黄家定。丹斯里黄家定说,马中双边商务经贸联系近年来突飞猛进,特别是广西壮族自治区政府和企业扮演了重要的角色 。Tan Sri Ong said there was a surge in Malaysia-China economic and trade co-operation in recent years and this could be attributed to the crucial role played by the Government and enterprises of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.


“马来西亚-中国经济峰会”由马来西亚国际贸易及工业部、马来西亚-中国商务理事会、中华人民共和国商务部联合主办,并由马来西亚投资发展局、马来西亚对外贸易发展局、马来西亚全国中华总商会、马来西亚-中国经济贸易总商会、中华人民共和国机电商会协办 。A five-year programme for economic and trade co-operation was signed at the Malaysia-China Economic Summit to deepen and broaden economic co-operation and raise bilateral trade to US$160 billion in 2017 from the projected US$100 billion in 2013.

马来西亚华社代表设宴欢迎习近平 黄家定宣布:郭鹤年捐厦大分校1亿

丹斯里黄家定在午宴上发表欢迎词,表达马来西亚华社对中国国家主席习近平的热烈欢迎,同时现场宣布,郭鹤年先生为支持厦门大学在马来西亚设立分校,已同意捐赠马币一亿元,作为承建厦大马来西亚校区的图书馆大楼 Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting, announced at a grand welcome luncheon for Chinese President Xi Jinping, that Malaysian billionaire philanthropist Robert Kuok had agreed to donate RM100 million to the Malaysian campus of Xiamen University for the development of its library building.


首相对华特使兼马中商务理事会主席丹斯里黄家定指出,配合中国国家主席习近平国事访问马来西亚,两国领袖及企业代表將签署《中国—马来西亚政府经贸合作5年规划》 。Both Dato’ Sri Najib and President Xi Jinping are expected to deliver their policy speeches at the summit which will also see the signing of the “Malaysia-China Economic and Trade Co-operation Five-Year Plan”.

马中商务理事会联合华团 办午宴迎接习近平

首相对华特使兼马中商务理事会主席丹斯里黄家定指出,为表重视及欢迎中国国家主席习近平10月到访我国,该理事会特联同华总等商贸及华团等组织,于10月4日举办欢迎习近平午宴 。


中国国际贸易促进委员会(贸促会)经济信息部部长赵晓笛博士率领市场调研处副处长阮海斌及项目促进处负责人唐宁拜访马中商务理事会,由董事拿督蔡国治亲自接见 。A Chinese delegation headed by Dr. Zhao Xiaodi, Director General of the Economic Information Department, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) paid a visit to the Malaysia-China Business Council and was received by MCBC director Datuk David Chua.

马中联合商务理事会负责策划吸引中资 大马成中国企业“走出去”重点目标国

马中商务理事会作为沟通两国、推进双边商务合作的机构,除了尽能力协调两国国家级产业园区的工作,也希望在高端工业、服务业、农产品、清真产品以及旅游业方面,加强两国的商务合作 。Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting told the meeting that Chinese investment in Malaysia was too small compared to the huge US$500 billion Chinese overseas investment globally. “We in the MCBC will try our utmost to bring up the figure,” he added.

黄家定:追求发展信念一致 马中可扩大合作领域

黄家定出席中国广西与马来西亚企业家交流晚宴时说,我国正积极朝向全面转型,全力建设具包容性、永续性的高收入社会,目的在于塑造国民优质的生活,这与中国人民努力实现幸福社会的中国梦是完全相通、且信念一致 。“Our goal of uplifting the quality of life of our people is similar to the Chinese dream of building a harmonious and progressive society. We share the same vision and conviction,” he added in his address at a networking dinner attended by Malaysian and Guangxi top entrepreneurs and business leaders.


马中双方的财团今日签署中马钦州产业园区合资经营合同,以及中马钦州产业园区开发合作协议。见证人是国际贸易及工业部长拿督斯里慕斯达法、首相对华特使丹斯里黄家定、广西壮族自治区主席陈武和副主席张晓钦,以及中国驻马大使拿督柴玺 。S P Setia Bhd and the Rimbunan Hijau Group have signed a Sino-foreign joint venture (JV) contract with Qinzhou Jingu Investment Co, Ltd to develop the China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park (QIP). The Sino-foreign JV company, China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park Development Co, Ltd (JV Co), will develop the QIP and is expecting to generate a gross revenue of RM2.7bil (5.2 billion renminbi) from the QIP’s start-up phase.