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Month: 9月 2012

马中联合商务理事会会议暨商务投资论坛在宁夏召开 黄家定:大马与宁夏的清真产业合作大有可为

丹斯里黄家定 率团出席在宁夏银川召开的2012中国 - 马来西亚联合商务理事会会议暨中国(宁夏)- 马来西亚商务投资论坛。 来自中马两国约120多位企业家及代表出席了会议并进行了对口洽谈。 Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting led a Malaysian delegation to the joint annual meeting of the China-Malaysia Joint Business Council in Yinchuan, capital of Ningxia. The China (Ningxia)-Malaysia Business Investment Forum was also held with about 120 delegates from Malaysia and China attended both events to enhance economic and trade co-operation.


马中商务理事会主席 兼 首相对华特使 丹斯里黄家定 于9月10日与 宁夏回族自治区主席王正伟举行了会见。 The Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to China and Chairman of Malaysia-China Business Council Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting led a strong delegation comprising MCBC board members and senior representatives of the Malaysian business community to Yinchuan

Malaysia-China venture to manufacture locomotives at new centre in Perak



副首相丹斯里慕尤丁在南宁出席一项中国工商圆桌会议时说, 大马已开放门户, 让中国投资者在国內关键经济领域, 开拓多项的投资机会。 Presenting Malaysia's investment prospects at a business roundtable attended by leading Chinese industrialists, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said Malaysia is opening its doors wide open to Chinese investors to explore the numerous investment opportunities in key economic sectors.





ECER aims to draw China investors

KUALA LUMPUR: A high-profile d