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Day: 10月 5, 2013

马来西亚华社代表设宴欢迎习近平 黄家定宣布:郭鹤年捐厦大分校1亿

丹斯里黄家定在午宴上发表欢迎词,表达马来西亚华社对中国国家主席习近平的热烈欢迎,同时现场宣布,郭鹤年先生为支持厦门大学在马来西亚设立分校,已同意捐赠马币一亿元,作为承建厦大马来西亚校区的图书馆大楼 Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting, announced at a grand welcome luncheon for Chinese President Xi Jinping, that Malaysian billionaire philanthropist Robert Kuok had agreed to donate RM100 million to the Malaysian campus of Xiamen University for the development of its library building.