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Month: 11月 2013


丹斯里黄家定今日吁中国广东商界,共同促进双边投资协助完成两国《2013至2017年马来西亚—中国政府经贸合作5年规划》的目标 。Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting has called on entrepreneurs in Guangdong to step up trade and investment co-operation to achieve the target of the Malaysia-China Five-Year Economic Co-operation Programme (2013-2017).

Bank Negara opens Beijing office to help increase trade and investment

大马国家银行在中国北京设立的代表处今日正式启用。这也是继伦敦和纽约后,国家银行在海外开设的第三间代表处 。Bank Negara opened its representative office in Beijing yesterday, its first in Asia and third one overseas after London and New York, in a bid to increase bilateral trade and investment between Malaysia and China.

Serving without pay

"Take it as my national service," Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting said he had earlier, on his own initiative, informed the prime minister of his intention to perform his role as Malaysia's special envoy to China without pay.