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马中商务理事会特别安排本次董事局会议移师雪邦黄金海岸金棕榈度假村举行,一方面考察会议场地,同时商讨本年8月份在吉隆坡召开的2013年马来西亚-中国联合商务理事会会议的筹办工作 。The MCBC board meeting was held on July 1 at a special venue in Golden Palm Tree Resort, Sepang Gold Coast. The meeting discussed preparation works for the forthcoming Malaysia-China Joint Business Council Meeting in August. The venue was specially arranged so that board members could visit the seaside resort.


丹斯里黄家定重申,厦门大学将第一所海外分校设在马来西亚,具有特殊的历史意义,马来西亚各相关部门单位,包括马中商务理事会将继续配合厦大分校的建设计划 。Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting stressed the significance for Xiamen University in establishing a branch campus in Malaysia and he pledged that the Malaysia-China Business Council and relevant govcernment agencies would continue to lend their support to the project in close co-operation and co-ordination.


丹斯里黄家定于6月3日在南宁荔园山庄会见了广西壮族自治区党委书记彭清华先生。丹斯里黄家定此行作为马来西亚代表参加“中国-东南亚民间高端对话会”,广西壮族自治区人民政府为主办单位之一 。THE China-Southeast Asia High-Level People-to-People Dialogue was held in Nanning, capital city of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on June 3 where Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting had a fruitful discussion with Mr Peng Qinghua, CPC Secretary of Guangxi.


有关净燕和毛燕出口至中国的政策性障碍已经消除,燕窝出口课题已经在正确的轨道上获得积极处理和解决 。With the removal of policy restrictions on the exports of raw cleaned as well as raw uncleaned bird’s nests to China, the bird’s nest issue is now being actively dealt with in the right direction.

马8燕窝组织首度齐聚 黄家定汇报北京会商进展

Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting met representatives of eight major bird’s nest-related organizations today and briefed them on the progress of his negotiations in China on the bird’s nest issue. The breakthroughs achieved by the mission in Beijing in resolving the issue of bird's nest export to China have been very much appreciated by bird's nest operators本次访华成功为马来西亚的“毛燕”与“净燕”出口至中国取得突破,不但就“毛燕”出口展开初步的程序议定,也加速推动“净燕”加工的实地考察,受到国内燕窝业者的高度重视 。

丹斯里黄家定代表团完成访华行程 中方加急特办燕窝输华

黄家定在总结工作时说,这一次行程均按照计划顺利完成,中国政府基于与马来西亚政府的长期友好合作关系,以及马方政府特别是首相纳吉对燕窝行业困境的特别关注,并三次与中国领导人会面提出请求,中国同意以特事特办的立场处理燕窝输华课题,希望能够尽快纾解马燕窝业者所面临的困境 。Tan Sri Ong in summarising said his mission had been completed according to plan because of the long-standing friendly co-operation between Malaysia and China. It was also due to Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib's close attention to the dilemma faced by bird's nest operators in that he had thrice raised the issue with Chinese top leaders.


The meeting was an immediate follow-up to a consensus reached between Tan Sri Ong and Mr Zhi Shuping, Minister of General Administration on Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, on the export of raw unclean bird's nest to China the previous day. This was the first discussion between Malaysia and China on the export of unprocessed raw bird's nests.随着3月18日,黄家定与中国国家质检总局局长支树平达致突破性共识,开启探讨“未加工的燕窝原材料”(毛燕)出口至中国的契机,随即与中国卫生计生委探讨毛燕的出口规定以及燕窝的亚硝酸盐含量课题;这是马中两国首次正式就毛燕输华课题展开讨论 。


The Prime Minister's Special Envoy to China Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting, who is currently in China to seek a solution to the bird's nest issue, met the Minister of China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) Mr Zhi Shuping on Mach 18. Following discussion, he agreed to start negotiations on the basic standard of unprocessed unclean raw bird's nests required for import into China. 丹斯里黄家定在北京中国国家质检总局总部,会见中国国家质检总局局长(正部长级)支树平先生,会面谈商马来西亚燕窝出口中国问题。经过双方研讨,中国政府同意正式开始与马方讨论马来西亚未加工燕窝原材料(毛燕)如何出口至中国的基本原则 。


“燕窝出口中国的问题已经拖很久了,这次我们希望在获得黄家定的协助下,能尽快解决燕窝出口中国的问题。” 拿督祝圣才今日率领马来西亚燕窝商联合会成员与黄家定进行了约2小时的闭门会议后,在新闻发佈会上指出

争取中国认同达致双赢 黄家定赴华谈燕窝出口

Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting is visiting China to seek a win-win solution to the dilemma faced by Malaysian bird's nest exporters as a result of a two year-old import ban imposed by Chinese authorities. He will make representation to Chinese authorities in Beijing to re-assess the criteria used on the import of raw bird's nests and also the permissible level of nitrite in processed bird's nests首相对华特使丹斯里黄家定将赴华,向北京当局表达让原燕(前称毛燕)进口、重新界定净燕亚硝酸盐标准的要求。内阁在2月底委任黄家定协助处理历时两年的大马燕窝被禁出口中国问题 。