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Month: 7月 2013

Kuantan Port to double capacity

IJM 旗下关丹港口财团私人有限公司预期,今年杪开始建设全新30亿令吉的深海码头。IJM董事经理兼总执行长拿督郑建民表示,首阶段扩展计划将耗资约20亿令吉 。IJM Corp Bhd’s port business, via Kuantan Port Consortium Sdn Bhd (KPC), is expected to start construction of its new RM3bil deepwater terminal by year-end. IJM’s wholly owned unit, Road Builder (M) Holdings Bhd, had entered into a memorandum of understanding with China’s Guangxi Beibu Gulf International Port Group Co Ltd for the disposal of a 40% stake in KPC for RM310mil early this year, with the definitive agreement to be inked soon.

黄家定:追求发展信念一致 马中可扩大合作领域

黄家定出席中国广西与马来西亚企业家交流晚宴时说,我国正积极朝向全面转型,全力建设具包容性、永续性的高收入社会,目的在于塑造国民优质的生活,这与中国人民努力实现幸福社会的中国梦是完全相通、且信念一致 。“Our goal of uplifting the quality of life of our people is similar to the Chinese dream of building a harmonious and progressive society. We share the same vision and conviction,” he added in his address at a networking dinner attended by Malaysian and Guangxi top entrepreneurs and business leaders.


马中双方的财团今日签署中马钦州产业园区合资经营合同,以及中马钦州产业园区开发合作协议。见证人是国际贸易及工业部长拿督斯里慕斯达法、首相对华特使丹斯里黄家定、广西壮族自治区主席陈武和副主席张晓钦,以及中国驻马大使拿督柴玺 。S P Setia Bhd and the Rimbunan Hijau Group have signed a Sino-foreign joint venture (JV) contract with Qinzhou Jingu Investment Co, Ltd to develop the China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park (QIP). The Sino-foreign JV company, China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park Development Co, Ltd (JV Co), will develop the QIP and is expecting to generate a gross revenue of RM2.7bil (5.2 billion renminbi) from the QIP’s start-up phase.

IJM to invest RM2bil in new port terminal

IJM将斥资20亿令吉于关丹港口建筑新深水终站,可让高达20万载重吨的船舶停靠。IJM董事经理兼总执行长拿督郑建民透露,新深水终站将在明年首季动工,需时24个月,届时关丹港口的吞吐量将从前的2600万运费吨,提高至5200万运费吨 。IJM Corp Bhd, the operator of Kuantan Port, will invest about RM2bil to build a new deep-water terminal for the berthing of vessels of up to 200,000 deadweight tonnage. IJM CEO and managing director Datuk Teh Kean Ming said construction of the new terminal was expected to commence in the first quarter of next year, with a 24-month completion period.


马中商务理事会特别安排本次董事局会议移师雪邦黄金海岸金棕榈度假村举行,一方面考察会议场地,同时商讨本年8月份在吉隆坡召开的2013年马来西亚-中国联合商务理事会会议的筹办工作 。The MCBC board meeting was held on July 1 at a special venue in Golden Palm Tree Resort, Sepang Gold Coast. The meeting discussed preparation works for the forthcoming Malaysia-China Joint Business Council Meeting in August. The venue was specially arranged so that board members could visit the seaside resort.