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Month: 1月 2013

黄家定: 贾庆林指示全力推行 厦大分校获中国支持

Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting, the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to China, adding that Xiamen University was chosen by the Chinese Ministry of Education to be the first Chinese university to set up an overseas campus. He said the Chinese Government had taken this joint-venture education project seriously and it was an honour that Malaysia was chosen to host the campus.首相对华特使兼马中商务理事会主席丹斯里黄家定说,厦门大学被中国教育部选为中国第一所在国外建立分校的大学,很庆幸的,这所分校在我国建立,中国政府高度重视这项教育合作项目 。

马中注资30亿 全面发展产业园 挖深关丹码头

In order to spur the development of the Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park, Malaysian and Chinese investors will pump in at least RM3 billion in a joint effort to deepen and expand Kuantan Port. 为了促成马中关丹产业园区发展计划,马来西亚及中国投资者将注入至少30亿令吉,联手扩建及深化关丹码头,全面带动关丹产业园区的发展。丹斯里黄家定说:“必须强调的是,在深化及扩建关丹码头方面,马中取得突破的合作关系,我国政府破例允许中方参与码头扩建工程 。”

China gives the nod to 71 higher education institutions

Putrajaya, Jan 18: The number

慕斯达法:钦州产业园计划 没黄家定不可能成事

International Trade and Industry Minister Dato' Seri Mustapa Mohamed has given the thumbs-up to the Prime Minister's Special Envoy to China Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting for his immense contribution towards Qinzhou Industrial Park, saying that without him QIP would not be such a success and in turn, further enhance the trade relationship between Malaysia and China.贸工部部长拿督慕斯达法高度评价首相中国事务特使丹斯里黄家定,在马中钦州产业园区计划上的贡献,他指若没黄家定此计划不可能成事,也不能进一步加强马中贸易关系 。

Soon-to-be-listed CAP to strengthen position in China

China Automobile Parts Holdings Ltd (CAP), enroute to a listing on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia on Jan 30, will focus on solidifying its presence in China and expanding its distribution to inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Gangsu and Xinjiang provinces.即將於1月30日上市大马股市主板的中国汽车零件控股,计划筹集6千120万令吉用於营运资金及扩张生产规模等,並放眼扩张其中国的业务至甘肃、內蒙古、新疆、寧夏等省,维持业內领导地位 。