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Day: 3月 23, 2013

丹斯里黄家定代表团完成访华行程 中方加急特办燕窝输华

黄家定在总结工作时说,这一次行程均按照计划顺利完成,中国政府基于与马来西亚政府的长期友好合作关系,以及马方政府特别是首相纳吉对燕窝行业困境的特别关注,并三次与中国领导人会面提出请求,中国同意以特事特办的立场处理燕窝输华课题,希望能够尽快纾解马燕窝业者所面临的困境 。Tan Sri Ong in summarising said his mission had been completed according to plan because of the long-standing friendly co-operation between Malaysia and China. It was also due to Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib's close attention to the dilemma faced by bird's nest operators in that he had thrice raised the issue with Chinese top leaders.