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Day: 7月 17, 2013

黄家定:追求发展信念一致 马中可扩大合作领域

黄家定出席中国广西与马来西亚企业家交流晚宴时说,我国正积极朝向全面转型,全力建设具包容性、永续性的高收入社会,目的在于塑造国民优质的生活,这与中国人民努力实现幸福社会的中国梦是完全相通、且信念一致 。“Our goal of uplifting the quality of life of our people is similar to the Chinese dream of building a harmonious and progressive society. We share the same vision and conviction,” he added in his address at a networking dinner attended by Malaysian and Guangxi top entrepreneurs and business leaders.