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Month: 10月 2014

China Opens the Door on Credit Cards

BEIJING—China is taking a step

China needs economic reform, says World Bank

BEIJING: China’s growth could

Ong Ka Ting: China as a stabilising force

PETALING JAYA: China should be

黄家定:2020宏愿与中国梦目标一致 马中皆追求国富民强


黄家定吁青岛中方企业 通过大马开拓东协市场


马中圆梦目标一致 黄家定:两国相辅相成必有作为


Chinese Banks Boost Lending to Revive Economy

Pedestrians walk past a branch

China exports and imports surge ahead of expectations

China’s exports and impo

Strong Trade Growth Buoys Chinese Economy

An aerial picture shows the co