YB Tan Kok Wai had resigned as Chairman of Malaysia-China Business Council (MCBC) after the chairing the board of directors meeting today. YB Tan thanked the directors and staffs for their support during his tenure. He also requested them to give the same support to the new chairman.
After YB Tan left the chair, the board meeting continued with Dato’ Majid Khan as the interim chairman of the board. This board subsequently appointed YB Dato Sri Tiong King Sing as the new chairman of Malaysia-China Business Council (MCBC), for which YB Dato Sri also Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to The People’s Republic of China. This appointment is with consultation with Prime Minister as per letter dated on 21st April 2020.
Board of Directors
Malaysia-China Business Council (MCBC)
About MCBC
MCBC was set up in 2002 to enhance the bilateral trade and investment as well as the bilateral relationship between Malaysia and PR China. MCBC collaborate with its counterpart from China which is China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)