Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to China cum Malaysia-China Business Council (MCBC) Chairman, Dato Sri Tiong King Sing received a courtesy call from Deloitte Malaysia led by its Chief Executive Officer, Mr Yee Wing Peng at MCBC office in Kuala Lumpur today.
Deloitte through their presentation has shared some information regarding their organization and how Deloitte could go to market with MCBC.
Dato Sri Tiong in his speech mentioned that MCBC is looking forward to working together with Deloitte and he hoped that both parties can move forward to make Malaysia a better investment for China investors.
Also present during the meeting were the Executive Director of MCBC, Datuk Yong Teck Shing, Chief Executive Officer of MCBC, Mr Ooi Khir Tong and a few representatives from MCBC and Deloitte Malaysia.