The Education Committee of Malaysia-China Business Council (MCBC) held its first official meeting chaired by its Chairman cum the Executive Director of MCBC, Datuk Yong Teck Shing at MCBC’s office in Jalan Sultan Ismail.
The committee members are among those with the experience in the field of education which includes the Deputy Chairman, Prof. Datuk Dr. Wilson Yong Tung Yung followed by several members including Dato’ Mike Loh Ming Choon, Mr. Chin Yong Siong, Mr. Goh Tong Kian, Mr. Yew Chee Ming, Mr. Chin Chee Seong and Mr. Gan Kee Hao.
Among the matters discussed pertaining to discussion on how the Education Committee of MCBC can benefit both Malaysia and China students. Furthermore, the meeting was held to discuss and adopt the terms of reference of the Education Committee.
A subsequent meeting between Education Committee members is scheduled to be on 5th March 2021.