MCBC jointly with China-Asia Economic Development Association (CAEADA) had co-hosted the “Forum on China-Malaysia Economic Development Cooperation 2023” on 25 March 2023 at Sunway Resort Hotel.
The forum aims to enhance Malaysia-China economic development with its theme of “Promoting the Coordinated Development of Livelihood Economy”, which saw participants and speakers from Malaysian and Chinese government entities, industry leaders, and experts.
H.E. Ouyang Yujing, Ambassador of PRC to Malaysia and YB Tan Kok Wai was invited as VIPs for the forum and along with Mr Quan Shunji, President of CAEDA and Mr Samuel Lee, CEO of MCBC, delivered the Welcoming and Special Remarks to officiate the opening of the forum.
MCBC Directors, Tan Sri Datuk Seri Tan Kean Soon, Datuk Seri Lau Kuan Kam, and Dato Beh Hang Kong delivered the welcoming speeches for each subsequent subforums focusing of Malaysia-China business investment, agriculture and technology, and infrastructure and industrial park development respectively.