On this auspicious day, let us harken back to the day, on May 31, 1974, where both Malaysia and China paved the way forward to a new Sino-ASEAN era of prosperity, growth, and peace when we re-established diplomatic relations.
Since then, the warm and close collaboration and partnership between our nations in so many areas of life and commerce is all but fully intertwined for the benefit of our peoples.
Indeed the Malay idiom, Bagai Aur Dengan Tebing, best encapsulates the close and mutually beneficial links we now enjoy. As the aur or bamboo strengthens the tebing or riverbank, the tebing gives a stable and nourishing landhold for the aur.
The current global pandemic we all face provides the best example of our friendship. Our mutual assistance during this episode of shared tribulation is possible only on the foundations of 46 years of steadily building the links of friendships we enjoy today.
As my wish during the 46th anniversary of Malaysia-China Diplomatic Relations, I hope both countries will weather the pandemic and resulting economic downturn and rapidly recover, to put us back on the path of shared prosperity and growth in economy, the society and the arts once more.