Executive Director of Malaysia-China Business Council (MCBC), Datuk Yong Teck Shing led the MCBC for a special discussion with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Malaysia) Berhad, also known as ICBC.
The discussion between MCBC and ICBC is covering a wide range of important matters on all aspects of banking and businesses including financing, trade and investment and other services.
The Deputy Chief Executive Officer of ICBC, Mr Lim Kok Fuat made an introduction of ICBC to MCBC and pointed out that ICBC role is not only supporting the Chinese corporate coming to Malaysia in terms of financing and services, but also to help Malaysians going out to the region to market their businesses in China.
He said that ICBC would like to enhance bilateral trade between Malaysia and China in terms of long-term strategy mission, promoting Malaysia-China trade investment and also providing support in facilitating trade to boost investment.
Datuk Yong in the meeting agreed to initiate some collaboration with ICBC for the banking and business part and will try to come up with a solution that can ease both parties for a better working relationship. On top of that, MCBC also would like to collaborate with ICBC for upcoming research and development.
MCBC is looking forward to a courtesy call between MCBC Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer of ICBC and hopes that the engagement between both parties will continue.