Malaysia-China Business Council co-hosted the “2023 Roundtable Conference on China-ASEAN Industrial Cooperation and “Two Countries, Twin Parks” Project Sharing”, which was held at K International Hotel, Nanning, Guangxi on the 17 September 2023.
The “2023 Roundtable Conference on China-ASEAN Industrial Cooperation and “Two Countries, Twin Parks” Project Sharing” with the theme “Industrial Cooperation for Development, Striving Together for Win-Win”, focused on enhancing China-ASEAN exchanges to develop industrial parks development and to promote “Two Countries, Twin Parks” model in the ASEAN region.
MCBC was represented by Dato Beh Hang Kong, Datuk Philip Yong Chiew Lip and Georgie Too to engage in fruitful discussion and a way forward to foster regional development of industrial parks and interconnectivity to spur economic activities and growth.