Malaysia-China Business Council (MCBC) successfully held its 2022 Tenth Annual General Meeting (AGM) and 03/2022 Board of Directors Meeting (BODM) this Tuesday morning.
YB Dato Sri Tiong King Sing, Chairman of MCBC, addressed the meeting and stressed that under the banner of the 14 committees of MCBC, they have to be prepared to enhance the communication between Malaysia and China, particularly in the fields of business & investment and education between the two countries, when the border of China reopens in the near future.
“Each committee must make preparation and proper planning to enhance trade and investment with China in the near future, as well as, to explore working closely with government departments such as the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, and Culture to promote tourism in Malaysia.”
Datuk Yong Teck Shing, Executive Director of MCBC, also briefed the Board on the 2022 trade and investment information and the economic landscape between Malaysia and China. In addition, Mr Samuel Lee, CEO of MCBC, updated the Board on the progress updates of events and activities organised and participated in by MCBC between June 2022 to November 2022.
During this period, MCBC organised and participated in 11 major events, including the Majlis Makan Malam Sempena Ulang Tahun Ke-48 Hubungan Diplomatik Malaysia-ChinaI, MCBC Charity Golf Tournament, and the Malaysia-China Digital Economy Forum 2022, and many others.
A total of 13 MCBC directors are in attendance at today’s AGM and BODM, which includes Dato’ Dr Jennifer Low, Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Goh Tian Chuan, Tan Sri Datuk Seri Tan Kean Soon, Dato’ Beh Hang Kong, Dato’ Ir Fong Tian Yong, Dato’ Fam Lee Ee, Datuk Lee Say Tshin, Datuk Yong Chiew Lip, Datuk Dr Wong Aik Loung, Datuk Chuah Lim Leng, and Datuk Tee Guan Pian.