The Board of Directors of Malaysia-China Business Council (MCBC) held the 9th Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting at MCBC Office, chaired by the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to the People’s Republic of China cum Chairman of MCBC, Dato Sri Tiong King Sing.
Dato Sri Tiong mentioned in his opening remarks of the MCBC delegation visits to Sabah government agencies regarding the revision and discussions on MM2H and how Sabah can play a role in attracting potential investment and applicants to the state.
The meeting then proceeded with the updates from Datuk Yong Teck Shing, the Executive Director of MCBC, Mr. Samuel Lee, the Chief Executive Officer of MCBC, and the Directors, regarding the company’s constitution, management activities, committee programs and collaboration with external stakeholders.
During the Board meeting, Dato Sri Tiong highlighted that Malaysians need to increase their market confidence to the Chinese investors and show to others the strengths and quality of the Malaysian products.
The meeting was attended by 15 Directors, among them were the Executive Director, Datuk Yong Teck Shing, the Senior Director, Dato’ Dr. Jennifer Low and other Directors including Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Goh Tian Chuan, Tan Sri Datuk Seri Tan Kean Soon, Datuk Seri Lau Kuan Kam, Dato’ Beh Hang Kong, Dato’ Ir. Fong Tian Yong, Dato’ Fam Lee Ee, Datuk Lee Say Tshin, Datuk Yong Chiew Lip, Datuk Dr. Wong Aik Loung, Datuk Pui Kian Onn, Dato’ Chuah Lim Leng and Datuk Tee Guan Pian.
The Directors are actively involved and in leading the MCBC 14 subcommittees. MCBC was subsequently incorporated to strengthen the close relationship between Malaysia and China by promoting better understanding and closer coordination among enterprises and individuals for the overall benefit of the business communities of both nations.