MCBC jointly organised the “Seminar on Food Industry for Export Market” with CAIQTest Malaysia and Creative Business Services Inc (CBSI), sponsored by ILM Logistics (M) Sdn Bhd and Belxis Innovation (M) Sdn Bhd, was held on the 16 February 2023 at MCBC office.
Datuk Yong Teck Shing, Dato’ Ir Fong Tian Yong, and Dato’ Beh Hang Kong were present to deliver the Opening and Closing Remarks of the seminar, giving an overview of the export food industry in Malaysia.
Professor Dr Abdul Salam Babiji, Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Science & Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Dr Ch’ng Soo Ee, CEO of CAIQTest Malaysia were invited as speakers to share on their expertise on general food safety & food security requirements for export market and to understand the latest trends for export demand.