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Author: mcbc2 mcbc2

马来西亚🇲🇾与中华人民共和国🇨🇳 在1974年5月31日正式建交

马来西亚🇲🇾与中华人民共和国🇨🇳 在1974年5月31日正式建交,双边关系就此掀开崭新的一页。转眼间,我们已在这一本属于马中的岁月回忆录中,记载了48年的故事。#马来西亚和中国的友谊之路是流传於百姓之间的一段佳话;不同的国情;相同的笑脸、不同的文化;却相互交融、语言不通;却民心相通、身处不同的区域;却有着想深交的期盼与向往,这就是马中友谊的魅力所在,也是人类文明进步的最佳见证!而如今,这段情谊不只紧密联系,更是一步步地在深化中。 马中两国自建交以来,经历了各种风风雨雨,然而在跨越山河的艰巨挑战后我们依旧互相扶持与协助。两国血浓于水的情谊宛如手足,一直在努力地、共同地为两国人民生活富足安康的目标而不懈的努力。

MCBC Chinese New Year holiday notice

Courtesy call by Chairman of Giant Light Metal (Kunshan) Technology Co., Ltd Mr Tu Jibing to Dato Sri Tiong King Sing

It is a great honour to receive Mr Tu Jibing, Chairman of Giant Light Metal (Kunshan) Technology Co., Ltd, which is located at Kunshan City, Jiangsu, China. The company is

Happy New Year 2022!

With the 2021 coming to a close, and as we welcome the new year,We wish everyone with wondrous new beginnings, abundance of blessings, and blissful prosperity. Happy New Year 2022!

Wishing everybody Merry Christmas! Happy holiday!

Media Release: Closing Ceremony of the “Seminar on the Development Prospects of High Technology (How to Incubate and Cultivate Industries) for Malaysia” at Malaysia-China Business Council

Closing Ceremony of the “Seminar on the Development Prospects of High Technology (How to Incubate and Cultivate Industries) for Malaysia” at Malaysia-China Business Council

Malaysia-China Business Council has co-hosted the closing ceremony of the “Seminar on the Development Prospects of High Technology (How to Incubate and Cultivate Industries) for Malaysia” The closing ceremony was

Media Release: Collaboration between Malaysia and China to organize the -“Seminar on the Development Prospects of High Technology (How to Incubate and Cultivate Industries) for Malaysia”

MCBC Hosts the “Malaysia-China Edu Cultural Exchange Mission” for 20 Malaysian Youths

The Malaysia-China Business Council (MCBC) Education Committee is planning to host an opportunity for 20 Malaysian youths of any ethnicity (ages 17-20) to take an educational trip filled with culture

Opening: Collaboration between Malaysia and China to organize the “Seminar on the Development Prospects of High Technology (How to Incubate and Cultivate Industries) for Malaysia”

Malaysia-China Business Council, the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Malaysia, Shanghai Business School and the International Business Officials Training Base of the Ministry of Commerce of the